
Triceps Tendon Ruptures

Triceps Tendon Ruptures

Triceps tendon ruptures are a relatively rare but serious injury that can cause significant pain and loss of function in the affected arm.


The triceps muscle is located in the back of the upper arm and is responsible for extending the elbow. The triceps tendon connects the triceps muscle to the olecranon process of the ulna bone in the forearm.


Triceps tendon ruptures occur when the tendon is completely torn away from the bone.  This can result in severe pain, weakness, and loss of function in the affected arm.

Mechanism of injury:

The mechanism of injury for triceps tendon ruptures typically involves a sudden, forceful contraction of the triceps muscle, such as during heavy lifting or pushing. This can cause the tendon to tear away from the bone, resulting in severe pain and loss of function.


The symptoms of a triceps tendon rupture may include sudden severe pain in the back of the elbow, swelling, bruising, weakness in the affected arm, and difficulty extending the elbow.

Treatment options:

The triceps tendon rupture treatment depends on the severity of the injury and the patient’s overall health. In general, operative management is recommended for complete tears or high-grade injuries, while non-operative management is recommended for partial tears or low-grade injuries.

Non-operative management typically involves rest, ice, anti-inflammatory medication, and physical therapy to reduce pain and inflammation and promote healing. In some cases, a brace or splint may also be recommended to support the affected arm and reduce stress on the damaged tendon.

Operative management typically involves surgical repair of the torn tendon, which may involve suturing the tendon back to the bone or using a graft to reinforce the repair. Physical therapy is also an important component of post-operative management to restore strength and range of motion.

Recovery from surgery:

Recovery from triceps tendon repair surgery can take several months and requires a comprehensive rehabilitation program. In the immediate post-operative period, the patient will need to wear a brace or splint to protect the affected arm and allow for healing. Physical therapy will be necessary to restore range of motion and strength in the affected arm, with a gradual return to normal activities over several months.

Overall, the treatment of triceps tendon ruptures requires a comprehensive approach that takes into account the severity of the injury and the patient’s overall health. With prompt and appropriate treatment, most patients can achieve a good outcome and return to normal activities. However, recovery from surgery can be a long and challenging process that requires patience and dedication to rehabilitation.

Frequently Asked Questions

Common symptoms of a triceps tendon rupture include sudden sharp pain at the back of the elbow, swelling, bruising, and a noticeable gap or bulge near the elbow. Additionally, individuals may experience weakness when extending the arm and difficulty performing tasks that require elbow extension.

A triceps tendon rupture is diagnosed through a combination of patient history, physical examination, and imaging tests. During the physical exam, a doctor will check for tenderness, swelling, and range of motion. Imaging tests such as X-rays, MRI, or ultrasound can provide detailed views of the tendon and confirm the diagnosis.

If a triceps tendon rupture is left untreated, it can lead to chronic pain, loss of arm strength, and significant impairment in extending the elbow, making everyday activities difficult. The condition may also worsen over time, potentially requiring more complex surgical intervention.

A triceps tendon rupture typically requires surgical intervention for proper healing. Without surgery, the tendon may not heal correctly, leading to long-term weakness and functional impairment. Conservative treatments like rest and physical therapy are usually insufficient for complete recovery.

While not all triceps tendon ruptures can be prevented, certain measures can reduce the risk. These include proper warm-up and stretching before physical activities, avoiding sudden increases in exercise intensity, strengthening the muscles around the elbow, and using correct techniques during sports and heavy lifting. Regularly giving the body time to rest and recover can also help prevent overuse injuries.